School In Todays Society

the college and the university. A good school background helps in building the career of the student. A well- groomed child is able to contribute more towards his family, employer and society.

The society is the collection of human beings. They are the products of schooling and hence, they affect the society through their own mindset and perceptions. If the school background is on good, it has a direct and positive impact on society.

However, all is not well on the societal front in India. We find people involved in commercial activities but lacking in social interactions that form the foundations of our society. Violence, drugs, inter-personal friction and a longing for the pleasure-oriented life have indicated that there must be certain flaws in the schooling of the individuals. After all, the individuals (who are now a part of the adult society), were school-going children many years ago.

Let us trace our origins to the school. In a school, we were taught to read, write, behave and act property. This is being done today as well. But most of the schools are money making shops.

Convent schools charge exorbitant fees and donations and train us in accordance with foreign cultures. The tender mind of the child learns about the distant and unknown civilisatjons and assimilates them in his mind. He also learns to be more aggressive, competitive and fast in life. Disruptive behaviour and psychological disorders are common in the children of big cities. And add to it, the big burden of studies, which must be carried on in order to make a career. The agonies of children are not understood by the teachers and the parents. Their confusions remain within themselves. They do not think creatively but according to the syllabi that are taught in their classes.

Now, this child becomes an adult and starts contributing towards the society. Naturally, his frustrations, ego, mental inhibitions and reservations (earned in the school) reflect upon his actions and behaviour. So, the child builds a society, which reflects his schooling and formative years.

The era of competition, technology and wooden relationships has taken its toll. The society has degraded due to commercialism, nepotism, high-tech culture and a passion for the pleasures. Improper or snobbish schooling is responsible for this decay. It is an irony that the students of a convent school learn to waste as much as they want and do not stud

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Author: admin